Consulting Services
Site Modelling

3D Scanning & Morphometrics

Catalog and Workflow Design

Bulk Debitage Analysis


Inventory and Workflow Systems

We are the creators of the Archie inventory and workflow system for field and laboratory archaeology. We can help setup and configure Archie for you, migrate your existing data, and train your staff in its use. We can also create custom software applications for your unique applications.

3D Scanning, Printing, and Morphometric Analyses

We can advise you on up and coming 3D technologies, help you 3D scan and print your samples/artifacts, and perform morphometric statistical analyses of your 3D data. Click the button below to read about a morphometric approach we recently helped design and implement.

Provenance Studies and Geochemical Analyses

We have extensive experience in performing and interpreting geochemical analyses using x-ray fluorescence, including cryptocrystalline silicates, obsidians, and sediments.

Featured Services

Gigapixel Imaging

Want to create gigapixel panoramas of archaeological sites or stratigraphic profiles? We can help! Click the button below to see an example of a stratigraphic gigapixel image. * Note - image may take a few moments to load depending on your connection speed.